• Maintenance & Care

Maintenance & Care

Daily care: Brushing your wig with a paddle brush or a vent brush is very important when it comes to detangling your hair. These two types of tools are very gentle for your hair while brushing . Start from the ends and work your way to the roots. When brushing the ends to the mid shaft use medium tension. When you get to the roots use light tension, so you do not snag onto the martial.

2) Washing : When washing your wig, it is very important how many times you wash it. Wigs are supposed to be washed once a month to keep the life span long and not wear out the material. If you wear your wig 3 times or less, you can wash it every two months. If you must wash it, please do not use a lot of conditioner, especially on the top of the wig so the hair does not come out easily. Conditioners can loosen up the knots.

Use Luke warm water to wash with shampoo. When you condition the wig, use cold water and make sure everything is washed out well. Your water pressure should be medium to strong depending on how thick your wig is. Never put your wig in a bowl or just letting it soak in the water by itself. This will cause matting and cause the wig never to get properly cleaned. When washing your wig, give it your wig a nice light twist to remove the extra water.

3) Drying: When drying your wig-place your wig in a towel and then place the wig on a canvas head or a styro foam head. With human hair wigs you must blow-dry them. If you let them air dry do not leave them on a head. This will cause stretching. You can put them on a wire stand and will not stretch it. Do not leave them on a head all night long when air drying

4) Styling Products- It is best not to use styling products on your wigs as they can cause build up. It is ok to use light hairspray. Sebastian Plus is great to use.

5) Storage- When not in use or traveling, store your wig in the size of a shoe box. Make sure that it has a lid and that is stored away from animals, where there is a lot of dust and keep it out of direct sunlight. This will help with tangling and the life span of your wig.

6) Professional care- For custom coloring or styling adjustments seek the expertise of a professional wig stylist.

By following these simple maintenance tips, you can ensure that your custom wig remains in top condition.